Curriculum vitae:


Rousseau on Society, Politics, Music and Language: An Historical Interpretation of his Early Writings, New York (Garland) 1987, 520 pp.

Correspondance complète de Jean Jacques Rousseau, édition critique établie par R.A. Leigh, revue par Robert Wokler (avec Janet Laming), tome XLVII, Oxford (The Voltaire Foundation) 1988, 319 pp.

Correspondance complète de Jean Jacques Rousseau, ed. R.A. Leigh, revue par Robert Wokler (avec Janet Laming), tome XLVIII, Oxford (The Voltaire Foundation) 1988, 277 pp.

Correspondance complète de Jean Jacques Rousseau, ed. R. A. Leigh, revue par Robert Wokler (avec Janet Laming), tome XLIX, including ‘avertissement’, Oxford (The Voltaire Foundation), 1989, 328 pp.

Rousseau and the Eighteenth Century. Essays in memory of R.A. Leigh, eds. M. Hobson, J. Leigh and R. Wokler, Oxford (The Voltaire Foundation), 1992,
446 pp.

With John Hope Mason (trans. and ed.), Diderot's Political Writings, Cambridge University Press, 1992,
218 pp.

Man and Society, by John Plamenatz, 3 vols., a new edition, expanded and revised by M.E. Plamenatz and Robert Wokler, vol. I: From the Middle Ages to Locke, London (Longmans), 1992, repr. 1993, 1996,
408 pp.

Man and Society, by John Plamenatz, a new edition, expanded and revised by M.E. Plamenatz and Robert Wokler, vol. II: From Montesquieu to the Early Socialists, London (Longmans), 1992, repr. 1993,
398 pp.

Man and Society, by John Plamenatz, a new edition, expanded and revised by M.E. Plamenatz and Robert Wokler, vol. III: Hegel, Marx and Engels, and the Idea of Progress, (London, Longmans), 1992, repr. 1993, 1996,
375 pp.

Rousseau, in the ‘Past Master’ series, Oxford (Oxford University Press), 1995, reissued 1996; revised, expanded and illustrated edition for the ‘Very Short Introduction’ series, 2001; German translation by Michaela Rehm, 186 pp., Freiburg (Herder), 1999; Japanese translation by Shuji Yamamoto, 215 pp., Osaka (Koyo Shobo), 2000, 215 pp; Italian translation by Simona Ferlini, 165 pp., Bologna (Il Mulino), 2001; Korean translation by Sigongsa Co. Ltd., 224 pp., Seoul (Eric Yang Agency), 2001; Hungarian, Portuguese and Turkish translations in progress, 132 pp. (‘Past Master’), 172 pp. (‘Very Short Introduction’)

With Christopher Fox and Roy Porter (eds.) Inventing Human Science, University of California Press, 1995, 386 pp.

Rousseau and Liberty, ed. Robert Wokler, principally proceedings of a Trinity College, Cambridge colloquium sponsored by the Liberty Fund, 1988, Manchester University Press, 1995, 299 pp.

The Enlightenment and Modernity, a collection of essays by political theorists of the Department of Government at the University of Manchester, edited jointly with Norman Geras, Houndmills (Macmillan) and New York (St Martin’s Press) 2000, 232 pp.

With Joseph Mali (eds.), The Counter-Enlightenment of Isaiah Berlin, including my own chapter on ‘Isaiah Berlin’s Enlightenment and Counter-Enlightenment’, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 93, prt. 5, 2003, 196 pp.

In Press

With Mark Goldie (eds.), The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Political Thought, including my own chapter on ‘Ideology and the Origins of Social Science’, Cambridge University Press, around September 2006, 944 pp.

With Hans-Erich Bödeker (eds.), Man--Animal–Monster, distilled from the proceedings of several international colloquia on the subject of Man, including my own chapter on ‘The Ape Debates in the Eighteenth Century and Contemporary Experimentation’ Berlin (Dietz Verlag), around June 2005, 220 pp. approximately.